I have an entity in MDS with a large number of attributes.  I have successfully used EntityMembersGet to retrieve all attributes of all members of the Entity.  I need a code example of how to retrieve only select attributes all entity members.

I have an entity in MDS with a large number of attributes.  I have successfully used EntityMembersGet to retrieve all attributes of all members of the Entity.  I need a code example or description of how to retrieve only select attributes(a subset of the attributes) of all entity memb

October 5th, 2013 4:48pm

You want: EntityMembersGetCriteria.Attributes

Also check out this helper class: MDSEntityCRUDOperations which has some simplifying wrapper functions for reading and writing MDS entities.  As you've probably noticed, dealing directly with the web service proxy types leads to a bunch of boilerplate code.


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October 5th, 2013 7:58pm

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